Tribal Prints for Spring & Summer

Outfit Details:

Jeans Uniqlo | Top BB Dakota Le Tote | Sandals Zara (similar here and here) | Purse Under One Sky Le Tote | Necklace Lat & Lo

With the warm breeze blowing through Carmel Valley this past weekend, we could feel summer's closeness. We just can't wait for the summer heat! Although it's getting warmer out, in the evenings you still want to wear jeans. Ivy picked this cute tribal top out on Le Tote to pair with these super comfy heels. They are just high enough to feel dressy, yet they won't kill your feet. Despite the top being long sleeve it is made with a light and airy material so it doesn't heat you up. We think this top is great if you want to wear tribal prints but not be too overwhelming. We paired it with this cute fringe bag because we adore everything with fridge right now. Ivy's necklace is from Lat & Lo, a latitude and longitude jewelry line. This one has the latitude and longitude for Carmel Valley, our home town! Our parents got us each one of these necklaces to remind us, wherever we are in the world, home is where the heart is. These are great for gifts for anyone, and perfect for high school grads moving away for college in the fall! 

xxx Ivy & Eve

I Scream, You Scream, We ALL Scream for Ice Cream Patterned Clutches!

Outfit Details:

Dress Octavia Le Tote | Sandals Target | Clutch Imoshion Le Tote | Necklace (similar) | Ice Cream Halo Top

Theres almost nothing that Ivy loves more then ice cream (ok, obviously champagne), or really anything with cream involved. When we saw this cute clutch on Le Tote we had to get it! The print is so fun and gets us in the summer mood. Ivy paired it with this olive green dress so that the clutch really "popped". It put us both in the mood for some ice cream...

We recently tried out a new ice cream brand called Halo Top. We are obsessed with their chocolate and strawberry flavors. The chocolate tastes like an extra creamy fudgsicle and the strawberry was super yummy too. Halo Top is a "healthy" ice cream - low in sugar, carbs, and calories, and packed with protein! One pint of this stuff is only around 250 calories so you wont feel guilty for finishing the whole thing! Ivy wants to try the mint chip flavor next, while Eve has her sights set on birthday cake! 

xxx Ivy & Eve

DIY Floral Box Arrangement

When Eve was searching for the perfect gift for Ivy's recent birthday, she came across a pretty marble and wood box. She wanted to find a cute way of presenting it to Ivy and remembered how Ivy loves Olive & Cocoa's boxed flower arrangements. Eve decided to DIY one for Ivy! It turns out, you only need a few materials (most of which you probably already own) and it is much more affordable doing it yourself than ordering one. For our DIY, we used a wrapped shoe box, however, feel free to use any type of container. We are planning to give these as graduation presents with small gifts, such as jewelry, nestled on top! This gift also goes great with glittered bottles of bubbly (DIY here). That way, not only is the gift great, but the box is a gift in itself! 


1 large bouquet of flowers (roses, peonies, tulips, there are so many options!)

1 bunch of floral greens (we cut ours from our yard)

1 block of floral foam (you can buy it here)

1 box with lid (we used a shoe box for this DIY)

wrapping paper


1 trash bag



  1. Cut wrapping paper and wrap the outside of the shoebox lid and bottom. Secure with tape.
  2. Measure and cut the floral foam to fit snugly inside shoebox. Cut the block to about 1/2 the height of the box you are using.
  3. Soak foam in water, add flower food powder to water for longevity. Soak foam for 5-10 minutes, until  heavy and fully saturated.
  4. While waiting for foam to saturate, line the inside of shoebox with a cut up trash bag and tape. Make sure the lining is secured because the box will fall apart if it gets wet!
  5. Place saturated foam back inside lined shoebox.
  6. Measure the flowers to the height you want them to stick out of the box. (we measured them tall because we did not want to use the lid, if you want the lid to fit cut shorter)
  7. Arrange flowers and greens as desired.
  8. Enjoy!

Cabi Spring 2016 Collection

Cabi is a clothing brand that was built for women, by women. There are no Cabi stores, instead you can schedule a time for a Cabi fashion consultant to bring the line to you! We had our friend Michelle as our stylist.  The idea is to host parties and have all your friends come over for a fun "fashion show" shopping experience. We love hosting Cabi parties and have done it several times now! Its nice to look at the clothes and get opinions of your friends in a comfortable environment. Plus, its a great excuse to open a bottle of bubbly, and set out some tasty treats!

We LOVE the Cabi spring collection this year! Its full of bright colors, light weight material, and tons of perfect items for your spring and summer getaways.

xxx Ivy & Eve

Here are some of our favorite items we found:


Ivy's Look One:

Asymmetrical Tank | Villa Pant | Dolce Charm Necklace

I love these pants so much! I haven't always like this style of pants, and frankly I don't own any, but when I tried these on I fell in love. They are light weight and have a nice shape that doesn't make them look too "balloonie". The pattern is super fun and I pictured myself wearing them as I stroll along the Seine this summer. I added these to my wardrobe without a second thought. Oops! 

Lexie's Look One:

Yacht Top | Paired with her favorite jeans

I have always liked flowy tops which you can pair with skinny jeans for a cute yet casual look. I like to have a lot of clothing options while traveling and this is super lightweight and won't take up much room in my travel bag. This would also make an awesome coverup at the beach or poolside!

Ivy's Look Two:

Boat Stripe Dress

This dress not only looks chic, its also SO soft, like most Cabi clothes. I saw this dress online when I was looking at what Michelle might bring. I definitely had my fingers crossed that she would bring this dress. The design is flattering on everyone! We had my mom try it on after me and she looked amazing in it too! It gives off a casual yet elegant look you can dress up or keep simple. 

Lexie's Look Two:

Explorer Vest | Long Sleeve Double-V Tee 

We love this vest, and it is totally in trend right now. The olive green color looks great on every skin tone. I would wear this around town or when I need an extra layer but don't want the bulk. The included "x" loops so you can pair it with a belt too. The Long Sleeve Double-V Tee is one of our absolute favorite items because it can be used to layer under so many things, and it is as soft as a cloud. We are tempted to use it as a sleep shirt its that amazing!  

Ivy's Look Three:

Vineyard Sweater | Villa Necklace

Both Lexie and I adore this sweater. Not only do we love the name (hehe) , but we love the unique length and pattern. The material, cotton and acrylic, is fitted to the body yet still flowing. This piece is great for layering! I paired it with the Villa Necklace for a pretty everyday look. This necklace is seriously cool, you can keep it long or shorten it and have two super cute matching bracelets. You get four pieces in one! 

Lexie's Look Three:

Portico Shrug | Lagoon Necklace

This shrug is so perfect for spring!  Spring is one of the major times Ivy and I wear bright colors, with the weather warming up and colors blooming everywhere we get inspired to be a little more adventurous. I paired these two items together because they complement each other so well. 

Our Mom's Looks:

Crop Top | Run Around Skirt

This combination looked so great on our mom. The crop top is not what most young people would call a crop top because it is much longer, and doesn't reveal as much. It has a nice asymmetric cut out on the bottom that adds flair. The skirt is flattering on everyone, and for women who want something a little more edgy then a plain black maxi skirt this is for you. Doesn't our Mom look fabulous! 

Stripes for Spring

Outfit Details:

Dress Target | Jacket Levi's | Shoes Target | Clutch Street Level on Le Tote 

Ivy has been wanting a striped dress for a while now, and when she found this dress at Target she didn't think twice before grabbing it off the hanger. She loves how soft it is and how its fitted on top but is cut to be flowy from the waist down. The perfect dress for twirling! She paired it with a crisp white denim jacket. Ivy picked this clutch as a fun and functional accessory to the outfit.  We love it so much! The pattern is so cute, plus cactus print is so trendy right now. We cant get enough!

xxx Ivy & Eve

Sunshine & Lemonade

Outfit Details:

Jeans Urban Outfitters | Shirt Brandy Melville (similar) | Vest Max Studio Le Tote | Bag Target (available in stores only, similar here and here) | Booties Tesori (sold out similar)| Ring Jason's Art Gallery | Necklace Stella and Dot 

Monterey County is home to so many great local businesses so its hard to be anywhere and not have a good selection of restaurants and shops to visit. So when we payed a visit to Pacific Grove (locals call it PG) recently we had to stop in at Happy Girl Kitchen Co.. They are home to some of the tastiest preserves, shrubs, and pickled goods around! All made with fresh organic local produce. Ivy purchased a lavender lemonade to take on the go as we walked around PG. It was so yummy and refreshing! 

xxx Ivy & Eve

A Day At The Races

Ivy's Outfit Details:

Leggings  Le Tote Rune  | Top Forever 21 (sold out, Ivy also styles it with this top ) | Shoes Audrey Brooke Shoes (similar) | Bag Le Tote Octavia & Co  | Sunglasses Forever 21 (similar)| Necklace Le Tote Camilla

Eve's Outfit Details:

Pants Hollister | Top Le Tote  Cupcakes and Cashmere | Shoes Sam & Libby | Bag H Butler | Bracelet Banana Republic (similar)  | Sunglasses Forever 21



This past weekend we had the pleasure of attending the Continental Monterey Grand Prix, Powered by Mazda, at our local Laguna Seca racetrack. We won these tickets in an auction back in April at a fundraiser at Holman Ranch (find out more about this event here).  The weather was great this weekend besides the wind in the afternoon. We spent most of the day in the flagroom, because it had a great view on most of the track, and they served free local Bernardus wines! Expecting it to be windy, we chose outfits we could layer when it got cooler. All-in- all the event was awesome and we would love to do it again. It was fun to watch fast cars streak around the track while we sipped on chardonnay - all in the name of charity!

By the way, we LOVE Le Tote which is an unlimited clothing and accessories rental service. You pay a $59 monthly fee and pick 5 items from a huge selection of on trend fashions and they are delivered to your door! When you are done wearing the items in your box, you can keep what you like (they charge the discounted price) and send what you don't want back. You don't even have to do laundry!

To get $25 off your first month of unlimited Le Tote style boxes click HERE!!

xxx Ivy & Eve

Living Like a Wildflower

Outfit Details:

Dress Forever 21 (not online similar here and here) | Booties Steve Madden | Bracelets assortment from Macys (similar here and here

This time each year, the lupin flowers are in full bloom. The wildflower blooms depend on how much rainfall we get every winter. This winter was supposedly El NiΓ±o. We did receive more rain then recent years but not as much as we had expected. With the extra rainfall we knew the wildflowers were going to be bursting this year! We decided to take a drive in Ivy's GMC truck and visit them over the weekend. The photos don't do them justice! The soft smell wafts fragrantly through the hills and valleys. We wish we could bottle it up in a perfume! Ivy was waiting to wear this dress for a trip to the beach but couldn't wait any longer. The fabric is light enough to be a beach coverup though it can easily be dressed up for more formal occasion. 

xxx Ivy & Eve

FUNraising For a Good Cause!

A few weeks ago we attended a fundraiser at the beautiful and historic Holman Ranch. This event helps the community put on a safe and alcohol free party for the graduating seniors on graduation night - known to everyone as "Sober Grad". It was a great event and all of the funds raised will go to make sure that the high school grads celebrate their special day in a safe fun place.  The Holman Ranch hacienda plays host to many fabulous weddings, and you can see why after looking at these photos! The event featured close to a dozen local restaurants serving up their favorite dishes, along with Holman Ranch wines. There was also live music and dancing and a large silent auction. We bid on 3-day passes to the Laguna Seca Grand Prix and won! It was such a fun night spent with our parents, sampling the local fares, sipping on some tasty wines and all for a good cause! Take a look at the pictures below of our favorite bites.

xxx Ivy & Eve

They served two of our favorite Holman Wines, the Kelly's Press - Pinot Noir and the Pinot Gris. 

Incase you were still hungry after eating the chefs' dishes you could stop by and sample from the giant charcuterie table!

Chef Greg and Katie from Will's Fargo served yummy goat cheese and spicy strawberry jam crostini and a delicious pate. 

The desert bar included bubbly of course!

Chef Kenneth from Quail Lodge served Scottish cranachan.

Bernardus Lodge Chef Cal served up some a lovely chilled green gazpacho with yogurt and Carmel Valley olive oil.

Sunday Farmers Market

Outfit Details:

Dress Target (similar) | Shoes Audrey Brooke Shoes (similar) | Rings Forever 21 unavailable online (similar here and here) | Earrings The Limited sold out (similar) | Market Bag Bee Bark & Moss


On Sunday we decided to pay a visit to our local Farmers Market to pickup some fresh produce to fuel our work week ahead. The weather was amazing - reaching into the high 80's by the afternoon - so we took a stroll through our park before heading home. Ivy recently purchased this pretty Grecian style dress and was dying to wear it. It was perfect for the little outing since the cotton was breathable and light. We cant wait for more warm weather days!

xxx Ivy & Eve

farmers (7 of 13).jpg

This Is Not a Drill: Marimekko For Target

We always love Target's collaborations and with Marimekko For Target going on sale tomorrow, we wanted to share our favorites with you! We love Marimekko's flower-power patterns and can't wait to use these products patio-side.

xxx Ivy & Eve

1. Women's Bikini Top & Bottom - Lokki Print - Primary $19.99 each 2. Salad Plates 4 Count - Primary $19.99 3. Round Oversized Inflatable 70" - Albatrossi Print - Primary $39.99 4Women's Top & Bottom - Appelsiini Print - Blue $19.99 each 5. Oversized Beach Towel - Lokki Print – Primary $39.99 6. Indoor/Outdoor Lumbar Pillow - Mansikkavuoret & Lokki - Primary $24.99 7. Dinner Plates 4 Count - Blue $24.99 8. Medium Hurricane Lantern - Traktori Print - Black $14.99 &  Large Hurricane Lantern -Traktori Print - Blue $24.99 9. Bean Bag - Paprika Print - Blue $59.99 10Women's Sleeveless Dress - Okariino Print - Black $26.99

1. Play Tent 3 Piece - Auringonkukka Print - Warm $119.99 2. Carafe Drinkware Set 5 Piece - Lokki Print - Warm $24.99 3. Dinner Plates 4 Count - Okariino Print - Warm $24.99 4. Rectangular Serving Tray - Meteori Print - Warm $19.99  5. Women's Bikini Top & Bottom - Appelsiini Print - Warm $19.99 each 6. Small Hurricane Lantern - Traktori Print $9.99 7. Reversible Placemats 4 Count - Kukkatori & Appelsiini Print - Warm $19.99 8. Adult Bicycle - Kukkatori Print - Primary $299.99 9. Indoor/Outdoor Square Pillow - Kukkatori & Lokki Print - Warm $24.99 10. Women's Canvas Hat - Appelsiini Print - Warm $16.99  Unnumbered Lounge Mat - Lokki & Kukkatori Print - Warm $64.99

Warm Weather Wish List!

Lately, we have been wishing for warmer days. We know living in California doesn't give us many excuses to complain about the weather, but it's been pretty overcast and dreary here recently so it only makes us miss the sun even more! We cannot wait until our first 85 degree day when we can pop a bottle of bubbly and laze around by the pool. In the mean time...

Here are some of our warm weather picks:

Tote Kate Spade | Sunnies ASOS | Bubbles Chandon | Powder blue high-waisted bikini Forever 21 top and bottom | Cover-up Victorias Secret | Sandals Steve Madden | Beach throw Massi | Paris Street Style Coloring Book Anthropologie 

xxx Ivy & Eve

Outfit Details: Pebble Beach Food and Wine

Pebble Beach Food and Wine, is an event to see and be seen. With celebrity chefs and others of the "elite crowd" you want to look your best. The events we attended were during the day, so we wanted to wear something casual yet polished. Check out our outfit details below, and be sure to read our post about the event in Bubbles and Such here!

xxx Ivy & Eve

Eve's Outfit Details:

Jacket Vintage (similar here) | Silk Cami J. Crew | Jeans Hollister |  Shoes Anthropologie (similar here) | Bracelet Banana Republic (similar here

Ivy's Outfit Details:

Skirt Forever 21 (not available online, similar here) | Sweater J. Crew | Necklace Kate Spade | Jacket Forever 21 | Shoes Steve Madden


Evening in the Bay: Cruise

As twenty-somethings it is easy to get caught up in your work, social circle, and life in general and forget to give back to the world. Our lives are a bit hectic and we don't have a lot of time to set aside each week to volunteer as we would like. Never the less, one of our joint New Year's resolutions was to participate more in philanthropic events and activities. 

Our Mom works at the local high school where there are many opportunities to help out - whether participating in a charity 5k run to raise money  for school scholarships, volunteering at the Special Olympics, or even just by purchasing tickets for fundraisers, etc. Which leads us to our latest adventure...

Everyone remembers their high school Prom (tho not always fondly, lol) and when our Mom mentioned that they were looking for chaperones for Prom, we jumped at the chance. This Prom is a bit different than your average dance though, as it was on a boat in the San Francisco Bay! We never got to go to the same Proms in high school so it was really fun to pick out dresses and relive some of the excitement of getting ready together and taking photos. Our younger cousin J was also coming as a guest date, which made it even more fun! As chaperones we helped at checked-in, monitored the bus ride to San Francisco, and generally made sure everyone was having a fun, yet safe time. 


Volunteering and giving our time for the event was fun, and rewarding. We enjoyed it so much we are already planning to volunteer next year! The cruise was an incredible way to see the city from a new perspective and we would recommend it to anyone. We know that chaperoning Prom isn't everyone's cup of tea so we have selected two other cruise options we think would be just as fabulous an evening in the bay:

Won't break the bank option: California Sunset Cruise

  • 2 hours long

  • Live music, and small bites served

  • Bar on board (we hope they have bubbly!)

Adult tickets run $64 a person. Prices are subject to change depending on date and availability.

Splurge option: San Francisco Dinner Dance Cruise

  • 2.5-3 hours long

  • Live music, and a 4-course meal of locally sourced ingredients.

  • If you want to splurge further you can reserve a window seat that comes with a bottle of bubbly. Cheers!

Regular tickets are around $270 each, and the reserved window seating with bottle of bubbly goes for $315 each. Prices are subject to change depending on date and availability.

Once you pick a date and a cruise we suggest checking the weather so you know how to dress appropriately. We saw a fair few of dresses billowing in the wind! Luckily if you dare to wear a dress and it turns out to be a foggy night in San Francisco, as they do so often, you can cozy up inside the cabin and still have a great view! Make sure to bring a camera because you'll be taking pictures all night long. Enjoy!

xxx Ivy & Eve

Outfit Details:

Eve's dress J Crew (sold out) | Ivy's dress Von Vonni Transformer  

Have you been on one of these cruises? Or do you have another one you suggest? Please comment below we would love to hear what you think!

Sips and Sunshine!

Outfit Details:

Jeans Hollister | Top Madewell (similar) | Shoes Target (sold out) | Necklace Francescas (similar) | Sunglasses Rayban | Bag Francescas (sold out)

On the weekends when we want to stay close to home, we usually end up going into Carmel Valley Village (its only a 3 minute walk away). Our village is jam-packed with things to do in its mile long stretch. We have over 20 wine tasting rooms, and 10 restaurants that range from tapas style food to your good old steak house. We decided to make a quick visit to one of our favorite tasting rooms, Cowgirl Winery. With its rustic decor and outside seating its a great place to sit and sip in the lovely Carmel Valley air. Ivy wore these super cute crop jeans, pairing them with a simple cropped tee. 

xxx Ivy & Eve


Korean Beauty: Lip Tattoos, yes you heard us right...

While perusing the universe of Amazon, Eve saw lip tints which claim to last for 12 hours! Naturally, we had to test them out. Oops My Lip Tint Pack by Berrisom are "lip tattoos" or insanely long lasting lip stains. Made in Korea and recommended by pretty much all Korean beauty bloggers and K-Pop stars, they come in candy colored tubes and adorable packaging. Available in 9 colors, the multi-pack features the 6 most popular colors, (Berrisom also makes awesome animal shaped sheet masks which are on our must try list). The lip stains arrived on Easter when all of our family was visiting so we decided to get our cousins J, S, and B in on the testing fun! 

The packaging is in Korean so we had to look up the directions online. We googled directions written in English and basically got the same directions everywhere...

  1. Apply a thick layer evenly onto your dry, bare lips. (be precise as you cant really make any changes once its on)

  2. Wait about 10 minutes, until the lip tint is dry. The edges may start to peel on their own. 

  3. Slowly peel off the lip tint. This will look really creepy. lol.

  4. You now have a fabulous lip color that will last all day!

We were skeptical that these colors would be anything we could use daily, but they come out much more subtle than the tubes or gel suggests. Some of them smell a bit weird, and our cousin J thought the "Virgin Red" stung her lips a little when she applied it. 

 Overall, we thought these were awesome!

Once applied and peeled, the lip color is literally weightless and didn't leave your lips feeling dry, sticky, or any of the other undesirable qualities that go along with most long lasting lip colors.

Eve's favorite colors are "Virgin Red", and "Pure Pink", and Ivy's are "Vivid Scarlet", and "Sexy Red". The five of us have different coloring and style, but we all found a color we would wear on the regular. 

If you want to dive into the world of Korean beauty sensations, heres the link!

If you have tried Oops My Lip Tints or any other weird and wonderful beauty product let us know! We're always up for testing out new products. 

xxx Ivy & Eve

Slightly worried about the color of Ivy's lips....

Slightly worried about the color of Ivy's lips....

Left to right: Eve- Pure Pink, B- Bubble Pink, Ivy- Lovely Peach, J- Virgin Red, S- Sexy Red

Left to right: Eve- Pure Pink, B- Bubble Pink, Ivy- Lovely Peach, J- Virgin Red, S- Sexy Red

Sunny and 75

Outfit Details:

Dress Forever 21 | Boots Nocona Boots | Necklace Etsy | Rings Jason's Art Gallery | Bracelets Vintage  

When its sunny and 75 out its hard to keep us inside. With the wildflowers starting to bloom, we decided it would be a perfect day to take a walk. Ivy wore a light denim dress, and paired it simply with her cowboy boots. She buys mens boots because the style is less flashy and has a more traditional feel. Ivy added some turquoise jewelry for flair from our favorite jeweler in Austin, Nevada to finish the look! 

xxx Ivy & Eve

Fashion on the Fringe

Outfit Details:

Jeans Hollister | Top Francesca's (in stores only, similar tank top here) | Boots Sam Edelman (sold out similar here) | Bag Madewell (sold out) | Watch Timex  | Necklace Forever 21 (similar) | Bracelet Tribe Alive |  

We spent a day wine tasting in Carmel Valley Village this past weekend. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed lazing in the sunshine, sipping on some of our favorite local vino! The Valley is quite casual so you never feel the need to dress up if you don't want to! Ivy kept it cute and casual in her favorite worn-in jeans with a fun new fringe top. I hope you all got to enjoy a bit of sunshine (or create your own) this weekend!

xxx Ivy & Eve

Weekend Wardrobe

Outfit Details:


Shoes Steve Madden | Pants Cabi (sold out) | T- Shirt Madewell | Tartan Cape from House of Edinburgh (no website, similar here) | Purse Francesca's | Necklace Stella & Dot | Ring OhKuol


Anika Flats Banana Republic (sold out online) | Jeans Uniqlo | Sweater Zadig & Voltaire | Bag Kate Spade (sold out) | Glasses Chanel | Bag Poms Francesca's | Necklace Stella & Dot | Watch Kate Spade

We had a lot to do this weekend so we woke up early grabbed some lattes for the road and set off. Ivy tends to dress up on the weekends since her day job requires her to get down and dirty....but seriously she manages a native plant nursery. Eve works in a museum and needs to look polished, so she likes to keep it more casual on the weekends. With all this gloomy weather us Californians have been experiencing, we have been drawn back to our cooler weather wardrobes. Ivy wanted to wear her cape she bought in Edinburgh one last time before the weather warmed. While Eve kept it comfy in her favorite cashmere sweater.

Keep up with us on our Instagram and be sure to subscribe for weekly updates!

xxx, Ivy & Eve

Sunday Errands

Outfit Details:

Jeans Uniqlo | Jacket Forever 21 (similar) | Shirt designed by Ivy and Eve | Cat Purse ASOS (similar) | Shoes H&M | Ring Stella and Dot

Today Eve and I had some errands to run, so we popped into town during a break in the clouds. As it is Sunday, our main outfit goal is comfort. These Uniqlo jeans are so ridiculously comfy I could sleep in them. The adorable cat purse Eve gave me is purrfect to carry the essentials. I usually wear this shirt poolside with some bubbly, (of course), and love how it combines our love of champs and Mean Girls. 

Keep up with us on our Instagram and be sure to subscribe for weekly updates!

xxx, Ivy & Eve 
